Sunday, April 02, 2006

Scherzo 2006

Dear All,

Our debut concert's over, and I've received many encouraging feedback from our audience. I quote an ex-member:

"The first piece came with a Bang and I went "WOW". Amazing sound and expression for the Hanover Overture. Most expression and tone colour are well presented. It came with a Bang, seriously. Dear Mr vice president of the band, don't worry so much lah, the sound is great and the tempo is comfortable for 95% of the time. Things are looking good. And the pieces are well received. I think some pieces are even better than what we (another band) played."

Considering the fact that we're not well prepared at all and the fact that we're only 3 months old, I'm rather pleased with the performance. I would like to congratulate you guys on our results.

I would also like to take this opportunity and thank a few of us for our efforts:

Mr Lin, for his utmost patience tolerating a lack of instrumentation and a less than desired rehearsal room; for his precious time on a Sunday afternoon; for his
believing in us. Thank you for your trust in us.

Mr Ivan Ching, Mr Edward Tan and Mr Kelvin Koh for their perseverance. MWE would have been long disbanded if not for these three individuals, and I would not have the chance to form MWS. Thank you all for hanging on. I believe we're going to make it this time. =)

Peiling, for her ernomous amount of help provided - for the production of all the tickets (done by herself); for the production of all the programme booklets (done by herself also); for the recollection of tickets and revenue (done by herself still); for her help rendered despite the absence of obligations (she is not a committee member). Thank you for your altruistic behavior.

Chin Kee, the assistant librarian, for handling the entire workload of the librarian - for the replication of scores on demand; for his precious weekend time (he's in the army) spent on band practices and the management of our library; for his help rendered beyond the scope of his appointment. Thank you for your great help.

Kaiboon, the quartermaster, for his overwhelming enthusiasm - for single handedly managing the inventory of MWS; for doing an excellent job in doing so; for spending extra time out of band to perfect his job. Thank you for your passion.

Jeffrey, our logistics officer, for the planning of logistic matters involved in the concert.

Eileen, for covering up most of the stuff some of us didn't do.

Mr Kenneth Lun, for taking time off on Sundays to join us in our voyage to musical excellence.

Last of all, to all those that I might have skipped unintentionally, thank you for your efforts. Not forgetting Si Ling, for her aodrable "bubblegum-ness" =D

This is only the beginning. I apologise for the lack of instruments and accessories. We'll have to work harder in time to come, before the CC is willing to pump cash into us. Good news is, preliminary "scout info" has revealed that the CC management committee, who attended the concert, were impressed with our performance. We're already on our way people. We can do it!

I've not forgotten about the ongoing learning that we have promised. However, please be prepared to pay a little. We're still very poor at the moment. We'll engage tutors and come up with an arrangement some time this June or July. Do not worry. We will try our best to keep low the fees that each of you have to come up with, if your section wants a tutor.

As mentioned, practice resumes on 23rd April tentatively. Please continue to come for practices. We've got another round of auditions coming up and 2 public performances coming up in june and july. Monitor this space for updates!

Sean Koh
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