Monday, June 25, 2007

Scherzo 2007

HI peeps!!!
Kelvin here..

Though yesterday's concert wasn't a success (as in ticket sales), i believe that we can do it better in the next concert, Mirificus 2007! Like what Mr Lin told us before the concert, Enjoy the Music. It's the PROCESS that matters!

Special thanks to all guest players who had spent their time rehearsing and making music with us! And also to Mr Lin for his hardwork and guidiance to the band!

See you guys on WEDNESDAY for the chalet!!
Venue: Downtown East (Pasir Ris)
Date: 27 June 2007 - 29 June 2007
Please note that the BBQ will be on the 28 June 2007 (Thursday)
Do come and enjoy yourself! hee..

here are some pictures which zhenqiang took using my camera =)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Post-Concert Reviews

Hello fellow MWS people,

I have received some feedback from various quarters on Scherzo 2007. All of them pointed out certain areas where we need to do better :-). Nevertheless, I think we gave a reasonable account of ourselves this time round (though of course, we have plenty of room for improvement).

More details available during the concert debrief.


Saturday, June 23, 2007

Post-Concert Netiquette

Hello fellow performers,

Concert is taking place in less than 24 hours' time. At this juncture, I feel that, given that some of us are not experienced performers, it is important to highlight a few things here:

1. Expect imperfections.

Good old Murphy always makes his appearance when least desired. This is not making any excuses for our performance later [every one of us did practise hard, right?], but it is a matter of life. There are many concerts which I have been a part of. There are some which I felt the bands I took part in performed better than average, but there are also others where the bands fell apart midway through a piece.

Never mind about us, most of us who are non-professionals. Even professional musicians like Beethoven have had their forgettable concerts.

Whatever individual mistakes we may make later on stage at 7:30pm, I'm sure most of us are honest enough to raise our hands and acknowledge that.

Like life, there are no second opportunities to re-play a note that you have missed. Don't beat yourself over that little note.

2. Enjoy yourselves.

Making music is supposed to be a fun activity, but playing notes is not. It's very easy to make notes, but it's very hard to make music. And to make music, you must put yourself in the right mood to do so. Some of the pieces which we are playing demand us to be aggressive, others require us to be gentler, and yet others demand us to put ourselves in the shoes of other cultures.

And it is very very hard to put yourselves in the right mood unless your mood is relaxed. I guess I don't need to remind you to take your making music seriously, right? :-)

3. Expect criticism.

This concert is a performance which anyone from the general public can view and listen, and people will be comparing us with other bands which they have heard. In this day and age where IT is such a common means of interaction between people, some members of the audience will no doubt be putting their thoughts of our concert on their blogs.

When people are behind their keyboards, giving their honest opinions about our concert, some of them will be negative, unfair, malicious and/or scathing. Others will criticize certain aspects of the performance - or even certain players or sections.

I appeal to all of you to remember that you are representing Moulmein Wind Symphony on stage in this concert. As a result, no matter whether you are a guest player, member or even exco member, any defensive retorts from you in cyberspace will be fully judged by everyone who gets to read it - and remember - the customer is always right.

As such, it is important to conduct yourselves in a professional manner no matter how unwarranted you feel the post-concert criticism we may get are. Please do not flame any of our critics, especially in cyberspace! Chances are that you will not be able to convert them and it could eventually lead to a flame war between the honest critic and yourself - and I'm sure all of you know how flame wars end.

Instead, prove to them that we can put up a better show next time round if you think that they are being harsh, nasty or unfair, and their blog entries on our performances will collapse onto themselves.

[To all members of the public, please note that the exco of this band explicitly, unambiguously and categorically does not approve of members disrespecting their audience in cyberspace, no matter what you say about us. You paid good money out of your own pocket to watch us, and because of that, you are fully entitled to rip the tickets in our faces, rant about how badly we sound to your friends or over the blogosphere if you don't like what you hear, and, if you are even nasty enough, hail rotten eggs right into my direction (and not anybody else's) because I am responsible for a large part of the concert - i am the concert master.]

Although we can never please everybody, we have tried our best to put up a good show, and that should be the only thing on our minds after the concert today.

[To all members of the public (2), if we did well, please congratulate us; and if we didn't, please be honest about that too, ok? We welcome all honest feedback.]

After which, please remember that there is a band chalet to go to from the 27th to the 29th of June 2007 inclusive, so please do try to come along, enjoy the food and drinks, and share your thoughts on playing in Moulmein, yes?

Ok, enough from me at 5am. Here's to a good concert later!


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Events Update and Prac schedules (latest)

Yo guys and gals,

firstly on the update on the concert prac,

19 June 2007
1930 - 2200
Full Band, conducted by SS and ZQ (maybe Mr Lin, TBC)

20 June 2007
1900 - 2200
Full Band, conducted by Mr Lin, SS, ZQ

Just to remind everyone, Mr Lin would be conducting the first half pieces, namely Vesuvius, Highlights to Pocahontas, Carmen Fantasy, Shall We Dance?. SS would be conducting the 3 pieces after 2nd Half, Dakota, Concerto D'Amore and Cream of Clapton and ZQ would be conducting the last 2 songs, Deep Purple Medley and Galaxy Express 999. As SS had said, we had practiced so hard and really hard so we do not wanna to disappoint anyone and everyone in the band. Let work hard towards our tickets sales and playing. The complimentary tixs would be given out on Sunday Band Prac. Really appreciate for people who came down on the various practices held over the weekend and Monday, 2 more prac and it is the concert, pls work hard !! Sell more tickets !!

Events Update for the 2nd half of the Year

23 June 2007
Scherzo 07 @ Salavation Army Audi , Bishan

7 July 2007
CLAP Performance @ Toa Payoh Amphithreathe
1930 - 2100 (1/2 hour performance)
SIA Group Band would be performing another 1/2 hour)

Sep 2007 (TBC)
YEC Performance @ Toa Payoh Amphithreathe

NoV 2007- Jan 2008 (TBC)
Botanical Gardens Performance
Turf Club Performance

Dec 2007
Mirificus 2007

We would be holding some post concert celebration as a chalet @ pasir ris, details are as follows :

Pasir Ris Downtown East Chalet
27 June 2007 to 29 June 2007
PLease do come down and Makan !!

That all folks.

9 Days Left To Concert

Hello everyone,

It's 9 days left to the concert, and I hope that you're doing your best for it, like practising and selling the tickets?

Remember, the concert is only as good as you want it to be...and the concert hall is only as full as you strive for it to be so.

Please work hard so that we can keep the standard of the band going, shall we? This band has gone through much trial and tribulations throughout the past few years, and every band member's part depends on everyone else's to thrive.

We may have to make some drastic changes to the way things are played - so please make it an effort to come down the coming Saturday and Sunday, alright?

Please prepare some writing materials by your side - we have some balancing issues to address this weekend [especially for the pieces I am taking].

Thanks to everyone for making his/her way to the CC for practice throughout all these weeks, and in terms of running jargon, we have come around the bend and are approaching the final straight. I hope that all our effort in practising for this upcoming concert will have finally paid off on June 23rd. :-)


Friday, June 08, 2007

Saturday Night Fever

The room will be opened on Saturday evenings for people who wish to practise.

Additionally, any members who wish to practise in his/her spare time in the CC is free [and encouraged!] to locate anyone in the band who knows how to draw the keys and open the cupboard to gain access to his/her instruments.

This of course, means exco members and the seniors in the band who have served as exco members before.

Please note that this is subject to the schedules of the CC itself also, so while I understand that some of you are itching to practise to prepare for our big day on June 23 2007, but please do exercise some consideration for the other people in the community centre and practise away from them if they are using our room, yah?

Thanks! :-)

Cheers, SS

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Concerts Details (Updated)

Date : 23 June 2007 (Saturday)
Place : Salvation Army Auditorium, Bishan
Time : 1930
Rehearsal : 1500
Conductor : Mr Lin Ah Leck, Mr Lin Sisheng, Li Zhenqiang

Repertoire [in concert order]:

Highlights to Pocahontas
Carmen Fantasy
Shall We Dance?


Concerto D'Amore
Cream of Clapton
Deep Purple Medley
Galaxy Express 999

Note to all members: Please do not discuss the repertoire from now till after the concert, be it in the tagboard or in this blog. Thanks =)
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