Thought-Provoking Post from Karen
Karen: if there's 99 members, u'll put 99 "heads" on the site? I dont see it as a necessary need to waste a webpage. It would be appropriate if it's for a quartet or quintet grp instead.Thank you Karen for putting forth such a post.
Firstly, let me say that I've done a lot of field work and research before I started punching in the first code of the website. The research saddened me somewhat.
In most of the websites which I went through, each band member occupied at most a line in the players' list, and many bands boasted of their achievements, their histories, where they went on tour, what awards they obtained etc...all of which would not have happened without the most important entity of all - you. The people Time magazine labelled as the Person[s] of the Year.
Yes you. All of you, who are members of the Toa Payoh South CC Moulmein Wind Symphony who come in every Sunday afternoon because you want to make music together in a close-knit group.
It is you who make the band what it currently is - and without you, the band would not have kept going until today. Without you, the band would not be able to make music. Without you, however illustrious the band was would ring hollow if there were no current band members to reap the fruits of labour which were nurtured by the people before you.
"If it does not breathe, it does not matter."
Thus, it is my belief that each and every one of you, current band members, should be given a photograph to match your name. If there are 99 members then yes, there should be 99 "heads". Players are not mere lines of letters - you are alive human beings with real faces and real names, giving us your real commitment. And the best way we exco members can do to reciprocate is to credit you for doing just that by recognising that you are more than a mere name in the "Players' List" web page and programme booklet.
I hope that answers your concern, Karen? =)