This is so that we can keep track of our member's email.
Greetings, Andy here, bringing you the latest update of what's happening in our band.
First of all, hope you guys had a really fun time during Mirificus 08 and by now, have rest up; ready for the this festive season of X'mas & New Year.
To kick start this update, A reminder to all who have paid for the T-shirt, kindly collect them and make the payment to ZhenQiang. Best if you can do so this Sunday and help up with the spring cleaning too.
Free Publicity for NIE Concert: 27 Dec 2008, 1700 Hrs ( 5pm) at Nanyang Auditorium, NTU. Jie Yuan, ZhenQiang will be performing along side with others (Sorry if i missed ur name, save space =P) Cost is $5, if you still haven't get your ticket but is deciding to go, go get your ticket now! It's this coming Saturday.
To mark the coming of the New Year, there would be a spring cleaning session in the band room this coming Sunday, 28 Dec 2008 to clear up all the concert stuff as well as to clear up whatever that's been gathering, dust, hui chen, soil, dirt, blah blah blah... Time would tentatively be same as band practice, starting at 1pm. Do join us if you feel like making our band room a better place to practice in!! Even if you want to help but possess conditions like allergic to dust, don't worry there's plenty to do around. Appreciate your dearest support!
Next on the calendar before we welcome the New Year, would be a Post Concert Post X'mas Pre New Year celebration at ZhenQiang's house. The date is 29 Dec 2008 and more details will most likely be given soon, but would appreciate if you could get back to me ( or juz reply back this mail) whether you are able to attend this fun fill session "aka" the last bonding session before the New Year 09.
If you tink my next paragraph is on countdown, well sorry there is no countdown to be mentioned.
Instead, the first activity of 2009 is a biking/blading outing to East Coast Park on 4th January 2009. Band Practice is suppose to resume on that date, but we've decided to get some vitamin D (sunlight) so that we dun turn into vampires(pale pale white white) by staying indoors always :P Do join us. Don't worry about not being able to cycle or blade, there are always first time to everything.
Last but not least.. Wishing all a Happy Merry X'mas & A Happy New Year ! Huat Ah!
P.S: If you wish to have Mirificus Recording, kindly ask ZhenQiang. As the files are abit big for emails, if you can't catch ZQ to receive e files, you may borrow the hardcopy (dvd/cd) from ZQ when you see him. However, please inform him beforehand.
& Lastly, SORRY for spamming ur mails. I know me and Joon Hoe has been tagging you guys ALOT and it might be irritating at times, we apologise for the inconvience caused.
If you have any feedback feel free to send it to this account! Thank you for your time!